Once again, it is time to for printer-friendly NBA schedules! As always, they are available both pre-formatted and linear, so you can print them in whichever way is most convenient for you.
(Click ‘read more’ and look below for download links)
Eastern: Dropbox | Direct download
Central: Dropbox | Direct download
Mountain: Dropbox | Direct download
Pacific: Dropbox | Direct download
Eastern: Dropbox | Direct download
Central: Dropbox | Direct download
Mountain: Dropbox | Direct download
Pacific: Dropbox | Direct download
What is the difference?
-Pre-formatted schedules have been arranged in a booklet format and are ready to print and assemble (follow the instructions below).
-Linear schedules are arranged in a simple chronological list, so you may print it as is or use your PDF software’s built-in printing management to arrange it into a booklet.
Instructions for pre-formatted schedules
- Print pages 1 through 9.
- Feed pages back into printer and print pages 10 through 19 on reverse side.
- Make sure pages are in the correct order, fold into a booklet shape, staple together, and you’re done.
(Note: If your stapler isn’t long/strong enough to work here, try using pushpins to put holes in the crease and adding the staples manually.)